Minggu, 22 Juni 2008

Lecithin – Kepe Healthy Your Skin

Wikipedia said that lecithin is any of a group of yellow-brownish fatty substances happened in animal and plant tissues, and in egg yolk, composed of phosphoric acid, choline, fatty acids, glycerol, glycolipids, triglycerides, and phospholipids. In International Scientific Vocabulary lecithin define as any of several waxy hygroscopic phospholipids that are widely distributed in animals and plants, form colloidal solutions in water, and have emulsifying, wetting, and antioxidant

Lecithin is the most plentyfull of the phospholipids. It is a fatty food substance, which provided as a structural material for every cell in the body. It is an essential component of the human brain and nervous system. It forms 30 percent of the dry weight of the brain and 17 percent of the
nervous system.

Lecithin is also an important component of the endocrine glands and the muscles of the heart
and kidneys. It makes up 73 percent of the total liver fat. Nervous, mental, or glandular
overactivity can consume lecithin faster than its replacement. This may render a person irritable
and exhausted. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to add lecithin to the diet, if the body’s own
supply decreases as in old age or working under stress.

Lecithin is derived from the Greek Word, likithos, meaning egg yolk. Egg yolk is a rich source of
lecithin, and also a rich source of cholesterol. This combination makes it possible for the lecithin
to emulsify the cholesterol. Vegetable oils, whole grain cereals, soyabeans, liver and milk are
other rich sources of lecithin. The cells of the body are also capable of synthesizing it as needed,
if several of the B vitamins are present. Since these B vitamins are generally removed when
grains are refined, people who eat exclusively white flour products are lacking them.

Everybody Needs Lecithin

Good health is something invaluable that Huang Ti Emperor, 2697-2595 BC, also known as Yellow Emperor, says "To cure illness after it shows up is like to build a weapon after the war starts or to dig a well after the thirst hits".

Lecithin is a food supplement to prevent and to cure illness. Lecithin can also work as medication to balance bodily systems by supplying much needed nutrition.

Lecithin is very powerful that a famous Chinese scientist, Lin Yutang, says, "Chinese people don't separate food from medicine. What is good for our body is medicine, but at the same time it is food".

Lecithin from soy beans is a food supplement that when it is added in daily diet, it helps the body to stay fit and healthy. It provides antioxidants which will keep harmful oxidants away.

Even NASA prepares astronauts for Martian trip with lecithin to ensure their health during the trip and during their time there.

Lecithin is beneficial, even necessary for those who are contracted from illness because lecithin contains not only antioxidant, but also vitamins, minerals, enzymes, protein and amino acid.

Lecithin is also very good to restore our body to health, specially recommended to be used and consumed for:

  • Those who are aware of the importance of their health

  • Those who pay particular attention to the beauty of their body in order to remain young and to decelerate the aging process.

  • Pregnant women as lecithin will help the growth of infant

  • Breast-feeding women as lecithin will provide much bio from phospholipids and cholines in the content of milk given to babies

  • Children as lecithin will help the growth of nerve transmitters and brain

  • Children who are weak, lost their appetite and have poor immunity

  • Busy executives who want to maintain stamina and relieve stress

  • Those who want to have ideal weight (less or more)

  • Students who are seriously engaged in learning

  • Sportsmen who practice the sports hard

  • Those who just recovered from surgery or sickness

  • ASlam Sani is the webmaster of lecithin

    Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

    Take Care for human body has natural healing abilities

    The human body has natural healing abilities. Holistic healing and alternative health care solutions support the body in healing itself. A holistic therapy provides a complementary alternative healing method to standard medicine. Holistic health care includes alternative natural health remedies, like herbal healing, and an abundance of health and wellness products and services

    The skin is the largest organ of our body - a barrier between us and the "outside", and our first line of defense against pollution, chemicals, and the germs and dirt of everyday life. Our skin is also a delicate filtering system, allowing substances to enter our bodies and even our bloodstream (as an example, think of the many medications that are adminstered transdermally, or through the skin), and helps us eliminate toxins from our systems. Babies and children have delicate, sensitive skin, newly exposed to the harshness of everyday life, so it's especially important to consider what products we use on them. Babies and children also love to put their hands (and feet!) in their mouths, so remember that any moisturizers, powders or lotions may be ingested by your child. It's important to make sure that the lotions, soaps, creams and powders that we use on children are as natural and healthy as possible.

    natural-care One way to ensure the purity, freshness and quality of the products we use on our children is to make them ourselves. Making your own all-natural powders, salves, and bath products is a wonderful way to care for your children. The recipes given below are simple and use common, yet effective all-natural ingredients to create exquisite formulas that pamper and soothe your baby.

    Hypertension or High blood pressure as it is commonly referred to affects nearly 65 million adults in USA alone (source: FDA). Hypertension gives a higher risk of heart attack or stroke than any other disease. Persistent hypertension is one of the risk factors for strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and arterial aneurysm, and is a leading cause of chronic renal failure.Hypertension though easily manageable, can be very dangerous as many people have it but donĂ¢€™t know it. Over time, people who do not get treated, are at increased risk for the fatal diseases listed above. Please Purchase Online http://ayurvedasbeautycare.com

    Kamis, 01 Mei 2008

    Unleash The Hidden Power Of Your Mind

    By Putra Lengkong

    I used to utilize internet just for searching articles, for browsing information, and for downloading music or video.

    I did not have any thought that I can generate money from Internet. You see?! Those are two very different perspectives. First perspective, I will call myself as a 'passive' Internet user. On the second perspective, I am an 'active' Internet user. I utilize Internet to generate passive income. Even I sleep, money still works for me. Do you agree with me? :)

    Robert T Kiyosaki also uses the term 'passive income' for his quadrant of Businessman and Investor. Means money works for people, not the other side. I still remember that day. April 2007, I attended Global Internet Summit in Jakarta. That was the first time I was introduced to Internet Marketing world. I was fulfilled with abundance of knowledge and experience from worldwide Internet Marketer. They are from the USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, etc. They were too much knowledge to absorb. I was so confused because all of them talked new things I never knew before. My passion started to grow. I think I can do this. I am sure I can do it!

    But wait! There is nothing free in this world. Do you agree with me? There are only two ways to learn. Firstly, you learn from the expert in their field. Secondly, you learn by your own. Whatever we choose, all have their price. Learning from the expert, we have to spend money which I think it is not cheap. Because they will transfer their yearly knowledge and experience to you. On the other hand, if we learn by ourselves then we'll spend more time and energy which I think is valuable too. Because we do not have the knowledge and the 'know how' therefore we will need more time to learn. Yet, we do not know we do it right or not. But surely, it is cheaper.

    What will you choose? First option that will cost you US$ 600 plus or second option that costs you roundly US$ 50 (buying books or internet materials, searching information from the web, monthly subscription to internet, etc) and your priceless time.

    I chose none of them. I searched in the web trying to find Internet Marketer from Indonesia. Why? Because I think it will cost me less and I can communicate easily with him/ her because s/he is in Indonesia and using Indonesia language :)

    I found Anne Ahira. Yes, a young lady residing in Bandung, West Java and well known internationally for her skills and knowledge in Internet Marketing. You see! When you really want something, you attract that thing comes to you. Anne Ahira is something that I attract to sort out my problem in Internet Marketing industry.

    She established Asian Brain - a learning center for Internet Marketer - in 2005. And this is one of Anne Ahira's systems to generate even thousand of dollars from Internet.

    You can exercise Asian Brain website to find out more what I am talking about. I am not going to discuss further her system with you because you can find it more in the web. Yet, I am interesting more in Anne Ahira personality and mindset and would like to tell you more about it.

    From what I find out, Anne Ahira is a young lady who determines to be success. What people can do, she thinks she can do it too. At the beginning, she even did not know how to send e-mail :) But it's about a mindset, about a passion to achieve what you really want. Nothing is a magic and can generate dollars in one night. It needs efforts and hard-surrendered passion. That is what Anne Ahira shows us.

    What in your mind: success or fail, either way is correct. If you think you can then you can. If you think you can not then you can not. You choose! I think that I can do this then I can do it. It has been a while, 3 months I think, I have been her student in Asian Brain. I learn a lot. All of them are useful.

    But what I need to emphasize to you is you need to implement, you need to put in action what you have learned continuously and consistently. Then I believe you can succeed.

    Most of us, we know lot things, skills, knowledge but we never put it in practice. That is why we fail. We fail because we are not hard enough to try. We fail because we are not practicing and implementing it continuously and consistently. We fail because we say we can not do it. We fail because we never focus in what we want to achieve. We never specify it. We never imagine it turning into reality.

    Lastly, I will recommend you to visit Anne Ahira website. By joining, you can have more friends, you can learn something new, you can have unique experience, and you can learn how to generate passive income. But I am warning you: all of these are a process. Success or fail, either way you can achieve it.

    So let me remind you that if you want to be success then:

    1. Be focus! Imagine it, feel it come into reality
    2. Put into practice what you have learned! Implement it.
    3. Believe in yourself that you can do it!
    4. Do it persistently, continuously, and consistently!
    5. Pray!

    That is all for now! Good luck and best of lucks to you! See you at top,

    Putera Lengkong
    Internet Marketer

    Rabu, 23 April 2008

    Natural Beauty Tips

    People pay a great deal of attention in maintaining their external appearance and understand the need to keep their skin and hair protected and healthy. Living a natural lifestyle will provide a natural and healthy look for you. Many people like to follow natural beauty tips instead of using synthetic beauty products.

    A well-balanced healthy diet including fresh fruits and vegetables will help you to attain natural beauty. Drinking natural fruit juices will enhance natural energy of body. Fruit juices such as oranges, apple, carrots and cucumber juices are excellent beauty secrets that rejuvenate your skin, nails and hair. Drinking a lot of pure water, 8-10 glasses per day, is one of the best tips to enhance your natural beauty. It will help you to maintain your skin clear, cleanse your body system and keep your body look and feel better. Physical exercises such as running, cycling, swimming can also improve your natural beauty.

    Natural beauty secrets also include beauty products that you can make from your home. Natural ingredients available at home have essential minerals and vitamins that work with your body and protect your skin naturally. A lot of beauty recipes including hair treatments, facial masks and cleansers can be made from items in your kitchen.

    Natural beauty products are an alternative to synthetic beauty products. Usually natural products are gentler than artificial products and people like to buy natural beauty products. With vegetable and plant based ingredients natural products cause less skin irritations and allergies. There are many varieties of natural beauty brands in cosmetics, soaps and cleaning products are available in the market. It is necessary to choose the right product that suits your hair and skin type. Beauty product reviews will help you choose the right product that will suit your needs.

    Mila Baker On http://www.inspectorbeauty.com

    Senin, 21 April 2008

    All Natural Acne Treatments

    by: MD Stacener

    At some point in your life you will probably suffer from acne. Almost everyone does. There has been a great deal of news about acne treatments recently with many claiming a combination of an acne prevention diet and some of the all natural acne treatments to be the answer. So you might want to try that route.

    Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous gland. This is the gland in the skin that secretes an oily substance to the face, neck, and back mostly. If the sebaceous gland becomes clogged with this oily substance you get a zit or a pimple. And sometimes you get a lot of them.

    There are many different forms of acne but acne vulgaris is the most common form in adolescents and young adults. The treatments are basically the same no matter what type of acne you have.

    The actual cause of acne is still not really understood. Some believe it lies in genetics. Others believe it is a combination of factors such as androgens, allergies, stress, or the use of certain mediations. Natural practitioners tend to believe it is a result of nutritional deficiencies, and toxins in the body that can cause the liver to dysfunction.

    The skin is the largest organ in our body and it eliminates toxic body waste through the pores when we sweat. If the body has more toxins than the liver or kidneys can discharge the skin takes over. Many doctors actually refer to the skin as the third kidney. When toxins discharge through the skin they can cause a disruption in the healthy skin and wella you have pimples.

    Here are some simple tips to try to help reduce and eliminate your acne. Remember it can take up to 4 weeks to see a difference.

    1. Always drink plenty - 8 glasses minimum and more is better. Water helps the body flush it self better and more efficiently.
    2. Apply white vinegar to the face, neck, and back. Let is sit for 5 minutes then rinse off with warm water.
    3. Use lemon as an exfoliate treatment to remove dead skin cells that clog the pours. Apply the lemon to the infected areas. Let dry for 10 minutes then rinse off with cool water. You might feel a bit of a burning sensation when you apply it. If you cant take it then dilute the lemon a little bit.
    4. Eat a well balanced diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid unhealthy foods such as greasy or fast foods whenever possible.
    5. Take a good quality muli vitamin daily. As well add zinc supplements to your daily intake. Zinc has shown remarkable results in clearing acne.
    6. Use Grape seed extract or Echinacea to help boost your immune system to better fight acne causing bacteria.
    7. Use Dandelion or Burdock to detoxify your liver and kidneys.
    8. Try a homeopathic remedy or an Ayurvedic treatment. Natural medicine is known to have tome remarkable results. Thats because they think outside the box. Rather than treating the symptom which in this case is the zit, they treat the whole you and look for the underlying cause.

    Acne can be annoying at best and devastating at worst. There is no reason to have to live with acne these days, no matter how bad it is. There are many treatment options available and if over the counter isnt working then seek the assistance of your doctor or dermatologist. Dont suffer any longer!

    About The Author
    MD Stacener www.acnel.com

    Rabu, 09 April 2008

    Health And Beauty Benefits Of Honey

    By Janice H.

    Honey's natural sugar content and the rich sources of nutrients makes it a great sweetener for coffee and sugar. Let's study closely how it started gaining popularity for the variety of uses ancient people started centuries ago.


    Honey's rich nutrients, enzyme and antioxidant content combined with its ability to thwart infections makes it a potent healer. From ancient time, honey has been known for its high nutritional and medicinal value. It is believed to be very beneficial for eyesight, reducing effects of poisoning, stopping hiccups, treating urinary tract disorders, worm infestations, nausea, vomiting, cleansing, healing wounds and many more healing properties.

    Honey contain mainly carbohydrates, water, vitamins and minerals, including niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.

    Honey is also rich in enzymes, antioxidants and other phytonutrients. It also contains flavonoids and phenolic acids which act as antioxidants, scavenging and eliminating free radicals. These antioxidants substances found in honey have been responsible for the wound-healing properties of honey. Due to its wound-healing properties, honey has been used widely as an antiseptic therapeutic agent for treatment of ulcers, burns and wounds for centuries.


    Due to its contents of glucose and fructose, which attract water, honey absorbs water from wound, drying it out so that the growth of bacteria and fungi are inhibited. Secondly, an enzyme called glucose oxidase found in raw honey, which if combined with water, produces hydrogen peroxide, a mild antiseptic for medication benefits.


    The vitamins, minerals and amino acids found in honey make it a wonderful beauty aid. It provides great nutritional value to the skin and hair and the effects will be seen if taken over a period of time. In fact if taken for longer period of time, it helps our skin to glow more radiantly, helps to reduce wrinkles, thus making us look younger.

    Honey is also an excellent moisturizing agent and natural cleanser and therefore, popularly used in wide skin-cleansing formulations. It increases exfoliation or renewal of the skin cells that makes the skin softer and younger.

    Other supplementary products of honey which are royal jelly, propolis have been used in beauty saloon as facial mask that command great prices due to its effective results for a more glowing skin.


    Due to its ready availability of carbohydrates, honey provides instant energy sources if taken prior to exercises which improves performances. It helps in muscles recovery faster if taken after an exercises program.

    Honey also increases the growth and activity of good bacteria in the gut. Results from recent studies show that taking honey with dairy products such as yogurt can enhance growth and viability of bifidobacteria.

    Other benefits of honey are its anti-inflammatory actions which help in treating a sore throat.


    Honey can be taken as it is in one tea spoon without mixing with water first thing in the morning or anytime in the day as you wish. For me I prefer to take honey as it is with royal jelly and propolis in the morning before breakfast and drink. It provides me with energy for the whole day with royal jelly as a good beauty aid and propolis a great antioxidant too. After a short period of time, my complexion improved tremendously with intake of honey and this motivated me to continue taking it knowing that it has high antioxidant and healing power too.

    Janice H. is a nutritional expert cum author. Her mission is to share with people around the world on HOW to live agelessly to achieve: Happiness, Health and Youthfulness. Visit Janice's Blog at http://www.stayyoungsecret.com/blog to discover how to transform your life and receive your FREE e-Report.

    Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

    Why High Cholesterol And High Choline Foods May Be Good For Your Blood

    Choline is an essential nutrient but not, strictly speaking, a vitamin although it is often mistakenly thought of as a member of the B complex, with which it has numerous functions in common. Choline should be found in abundance in a normally healthy diet, but deficiencies have been linked with cardiovascular and liver disease, as well as impaired cognitive function.

    Until as recently as 1998 it was believed that the body could manufacture an adequate supply of choline from the closely associated nutrients, vitamin B12 and folic acid. It is now accepted, however, that although the body can indeed synthesise choline in limited quantities, an adequate supply from the daily diet is also required for the avoidance of a number of potentially serious deficiency conditions and diseases.

    Most choline in the body is contained in the phospholipids, a particular type of fat molecule of which the most common, phosphatidylcholine, more commonly known as lecithin, is also an important dietary source of choline. Choline is known to be crucial for the proper functioning of the brain's neurotransmitters, and in the form of lecithin is an important element in the composition of cell membranes and effective biochemical communication between cells.

    Lecithin, moreover, is vital for the liver's ability to break down fat and cholesterol into the "Very Low Density Lipoproteins" (VLDLs) which are carried around the body in the bloodstream. Any deficiency of choline or lecithin may therefore result in the liver becoming unable to metabolise dietary fat and cholesterol in this way, and the resulting accumulation may lead to the condition known as "fatty liver" and ultimately perhaps to serious liver disease. Some research even suggests that the changes in the liver brought about by choline deficiency may lead to an increased risk of liver cancer, although not all authorities regard this research as conclusive.

    VLDLs are also necessary for the production of the High Density Lipoproteins (HDLs), the so-called "good cholesterol", which is generally recognised as a significant protector against cardiovascular disease. There is also some evidence, although the research is not yet universally accepted, that choline may assist in the breaking down of homocysteine, a naturally occurring protein within the body, which is strongly associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

    These protective effects may appear somewhat paradoxical, because the milk, eggs and liver which are the richest food sources of choline have been condemned in the past for the amounts of supposedly dangerous cholesterol they introduce to the body. A small (3oz) serving of beef liver, for example, will provide more than 350 mg of choline, and a single large egg perhaps 125 mg or more. So strict vegetarians who adopt a low fat, and supposedly low cholesterol diet which excludes these choline rich foods, may paradoxically be placing their cardiovascular health at risk.

    Fortunately, however, this is a relatively simple problem to resolve, as supplies of lecithin manufactured from soy beans are readily available from health food stores. A single teaspoon (3.5g) of the granular supplement may provide around 130 mg of choline and is reasonably palatable when sprinkled in suitable drinks or on cereals. Peanuts and wheatgerm are also useful vegetarian sources.

    To put the quantities mentioned above in some kind of context: the US Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) has recommended an "Adequate Intake" amount for choline of 550 mg a day, or a mere 4-5 teaspoons of granular lecithin and it has been estimated that most adults are able to obtain between 700 and 1,000 mg a day from a normally healthy diet. Caution should be exercised, however, in the treatment of the FNB recommendation which appears to have been set at the lowest level necessary to avoid liver damage. And it may be noted also that the 700 mg figure for the lower end of the range of normal intake seems perilously close to the 550 mg a day regarded as adequate by the FNB.

    But the avoidance of serious damage to a vital organ is, to put it mildly, the very minimum one would reasonably expect of a "healthy" diet, and a very long way indeed from the optimum health which nutritional practitioners insist should be the aim.

    For example, although conventional medicine remains reluctant to accept the link as proven, there is some evidence that choline in amounts of up to 1g can improve cognitive function and particularly memory. Choline is known to act as a stimulant to the production of essential neurotransmitting chemicals, and there is also some evidence that high intakes during pregnancy may encourage optimal development of the foetal brain and nervous system.

    Although the possible reasons are not fully understood, there is also good evidence that high doses of choline may significantly improve athletic performance in long distance endurance events such as marathon or triathlon.

    So given that the FNB has established 3.5 grams (ie 3,500 mg) a day as the upper safe limit for choline intake before any potential (and minor) side-effects might be encountered, and that choline cannot be stored in the body, there seems no reason not to aim for an intake well in excess of the recommended minimum or "adequate" amount.

    Granular soy lecithin can provide a simple and convenient means of supplementation with such doses.

    Add by editor : The conclusion is, Lecithin as a source of cholin has a great function in natural healing

    Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in direct marketing and with a particular interest in health products. Find out more at http://www.sisyphuspublicationsonline.com/LiquidNutrition/Information.htm

    Rabu, 26 Maret 2008

    Keep Your Body Healthy With Natural Healthy Foods

    We have all heard our body grumble when it needs to be fed; it growls and screams at us for not looking after it. Hunger pains should not be ignored, they are your body's way of signaling that it is in need of something. If you break your meals into smaller, more frequent meals this will help to quell the hunger pains.

    But when your body is being fed junk, it does fill the gap, but the body starts to realize that every heartbeat will get tougher and tougher to achieve if we constantly input unhealthy foods loaded with saturated fats and preservatives into our systems everyday.

    Natural health foods are not available to just make you look good; they are there to make you feel good, as well as to be able to achieve that greater feeling of overall well-being. Natural foods are essential for maintaining the proper balance in our bodies.

    You do not have to jump straight in the deep end either when looking for health natural foods; there are books designed to help the beginner start to gain a healthier body.

    These books will help you make decisions, such as what type of healthy natural food you should be looking at buying, as well as how to achieve and maintain a health body.

    The greatest medicine can be the food that we eat. Don't just rely on taking supplements, be sure to eat the most naturally healthy foods as well. Natural health supplements should be an addition to a natural health diet, nit something to take in place of one.

    Add by editor :

    Taking natural supplements such as Natural Lecithin Soy really be one of natural healings that we can do to heals our body.

    Healthy bodies maintained properly will not only help our immune systems, but it will also improve our overall health. With the various new viruses and other diseases coming up every day it is essential now more than ever to maintain a healthy immune system.

    Of course, looking good is fine for some people, but to feel that good inside is sometimes tougher to achieve, especially if you are not eating properly; eating healthy natural foods will improve your insides greatly and will help to maintain that healthy inner body.

    It's not a simple case where you do something once each month; this is a program that should stay with you for life. You can't just clear the system out once and then be done with it. You must constantly clean the body if you want to feel the results every day.

    Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. Get quality health products at http://www.shop4betterhealth.com