The human body has natural healing abilities. Holistic healing and alternative health care solutions support the body in healing itself. A holistic therapy provides a complementary alternative healing method to standard medicine. Holistic health care includes alternative natural health remedies, like herbal healing, and an abundance of health and wellness products and services The skin is the largest organ of our body - a barrier between us and the "outside", and our first line of defense against pollution, chemicals, and the germs and dirt of everyday life. Our skin is also a delicate filtering system, allowing substances to enter our bodies and even our bloodstream (as an example, think of the many medications that are adminstered transdermally, or through the skin), and helps us eliminate toxins from our systems. Babies and children have delicate, sensitive skin, newly exposed to the harshness of everyday life, so it's especially important to consider what products we use on them. Babies and children also love to put their hands (and feet!) in their mouths, so remember that any moisturizers, powders or lotions may be ingested by your child. It's important to make sure that the lotions, soaps, creams and powders that we use on children are as natural and healthy as possible. natural-care One way to ensure the purity, freshness and quality of the products we use on our children is to make them ourselves. Making your own all-natural powders, salves, and bath products is a wonderful way to care for your children. The recipes given below are simple and use common, yet effective all-natural ingredients to create exquisite formulas that pamper and soothe your baby. Hypertension or High blood pressure as it is commonly referred to affects nearly 65 million adults in USA alone (source: FDA). Hypertension gives a higher risk of heart attack or stroke than any other disease. Persistent hypertension is one of the risk factors for strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and arterial aneurysm, and is a leading cause of chronic renal failure.Hypertension though easily manageable, can be very dangerous as many people have it but donĂ¢€™t know it. Over time, people who do not get treated, are at increased risk for the fatal diseases listed above. Please Purchase Online
Jumat, 02 Mei 2008
Take Care for human body has natural healing abilities
Label: natural healing
Diposting oleh Lik Udhien di 04.32
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